🔥1st pest control service just $49. Must schedule service online.

Our ALL-NATURAL/ECO-FRIENDLY pest control products provide a synthetic chemical free option to eradicating your bugs and pests. You don’t always need a synthetic chemical products to solve a pest issue. For homes and businesses that are concerned with synthetic chemicals being used, we have a great eco friendly pest control option for you. Our ALL-NATURAL/ECO-FRIENDLY products consist of essential oils like Rosemary, Wintergreen, Geraniol and Thyme. We can even use them in the rain due to it having no aquatic toxicity, run off or dilution.

Essentria is based on botanical actives and is a 25(b) minimum risk insecticide and does not require a re-entry period.  What this means to you and your family is it is completely safe.  Certified ECO-FRIENDLY/ORGANIC with the state, this product is made of essential oils great for repelling pests and killing bugs on contact.  There is no aquatic toxicity, run off or dilution with this product. We can even apply it during rainy days.  From the oil based spray to the granular form, we have you covered for all your eco pest control requirements.